Pi-hole doesnt work with an created Access Point

I want my Pi to act as an access point on wlan0 and get an internet connection from wlan1(or eth0 at home) while using Pi-hole for all clients on the AP.
I am using v6, however these issues also occurred on v5.
First I tried using nmcli for the AP:
Created using: sudo nmcli device wifi hotspot ssid MySSID password MyPassword ifname wlan0
Set port=0 in /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq-shared.d/disable-dns.conf to stop it from taking port 53. This resulted in the clients reviving no DNS-Server via DHCP(I also turned on Pi-holes DHCP-Server). Entering the IP of the Pi manually as DNS-Server didn't work(Servers like did work) and the web interface was also inaccessible from the AP.

After that i tried using hostapd:

# /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

I turned on Pi-holes DHCP also for this on, as i want using the regular hostapd + dnsmasq.
For this config only the WPA-Handshake worked, but no IP was assigned and therefore no proper connection.

I am using an Raspberry Pi 5 8gb with Raspberry Pi OS(Bookworm, 6.6.62+rpt-rpi-2712) and wlan0 is the built-in WLAN module.
I am not sure to which interface Pi-hole was broadcasting DHCP as there is no option to select this. I selected wlan0 during initial setup.I connected via my home network on eth0.

I also generated a debug log: https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/jLHcA5vF/, not sure if it helps tho.

This isn't a Pi-hole issue.

You'd have to decide on an AP software and configure that correctly.
You should only try to integrate Pi-hole once you've confirmed your AP is working as expected.
You'd then have to find out whether and how your aspired AP software would allow to configure a custom DNS server as well as a custom DHCP server.
The latter is likely going to be problematic, as I'd expect AP software to be rather unwilling to forfeit their preferred default DHCP server, so you should probably try to configure just a custom DNS server.

You are more likely to find advice in forums specialising in your chosen AP software.

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