The port 80 is not exposed to the docker host as the reverse proxy uses it but the domain is routed to pi-hole. Unfortunately I can't see the pi-hole blocked page in my setup and some requests in the browser (I suppose HTTPS requests) are slow and wait for a timeout.
As my network knowledge is exhausted I wanted to ask if there is any chance to get an example of a fully working pi-hole + docker-compose + traefik?
I'd like to give this a shot, never used traefic before.
Are your Traefik & Pi-Hole containers in the same docker-compose file? each docker-compose stack gets it's own segregated docker network, which you must connect to get inter-stack communication.
I got this working by writing a custom catch all rule that acts as the 'default server'. I thought it deserved it's own post since it wasn't very well search engine indexed / google-able. Made a quick blog for it:
That way when or whatever random ad domain connects to the traefik proxy it gets routed correctly to pi-hole. The priority is how you prevent this from catching ALL traffic including your other containers.