Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!
Expected Behaviour:
Update Pi-Hole and not break anything (or if there was breakage, it should be minimal)
Actual Behaviour:
Completely broke my network, still figuring out if it broke my firewall, or my routing. (Pi-Hole was installed on my gateway)
Debug Token:
Having issue getting debug token, since everything is so broken.
All I did was try updating my pi-hole using pihole -up. This worked for many months on my gateway without issue. However, all of a sudden it would no longer update, and said unsupported RPM based distro. I did some googleing and found that if I remove the exit statement in the script that stops the update process, it will be treated as a CentOS 7 install. I am using ClearOS 7. When I did this, my network dropped. Still troubleshooting to see if firewall issue, or routing issue, but that entire subnet is screwed now. I am using a different subnet on a different physical interface, and it's okay for a while, then it drops as well. It's so bad, that I cannot even access my router on my lan using a static IP, however I can access it over the WAN. Now I cannot even acccess it over the WAN, which makes me suspect it's probably a firewall issue, and now my firewall is probably in panic mode.