My Pi-Hole setup is working otherwise great and as advertised, but there is a one annoying problem: It sometimes blocks Twitter pics (both profile and embedded pics). I am using standard blocklists and behaviour is strange in that sense, that blocking is not consistent. Sometimes pictures load and some time they do not load. Disabling Pi-hole from the admin panel does not affect this, so I assume it is not block list related issue but something more complex. For the record, I am using only standard block lists without any own additions.
If I configure my client (laptop for example) to use Google DNS, Twitter pics load fine. This makes me think that it has something to do with Pi-hole's DNS. I have tried to use all Pi-holes preconfigured DNS providers and my own ISPs DNS servers for upstrem DNS, but it does not make any difference. Twitter pics sometimes load and most of the time do not load.
That's the odd thing, pi-hole is not blocking anything and as I wrote earlier, even if I disable block lists from the console (and get ads on sites), the Twitter is still not showing the pictures.