Pi-hole blocking internet access for whole network

This client is not using Pi-hole for DNS. It is using Google DNS.

This is a good result.
Now try proceed with below to finalize:


And disconnect/reconnect a test device from network so the changes propagate.
And test again on the test client with:

nslookup pi.hole

When I setup my phone to use pihole, my phone works. It uses pihole and it has access to the internet. When I do the nslookup commands, i get the same result as that I posted a few comments before.

But when I setup the pihole in the router, it blocks access to the internet. And it still gives the same results from nslookup.

I get these results from every setup (only phone, connected to pihole and access to the internet; the whole network, not access to the internet):

Do you mean for Pi-hole to be or

Edit: Or did you leave off the last 5 on the quote?

Piholes ip adress is
Gateways adress is

Didn't quote properly

If that's what you see on all the clients then Pi-hole is working on all the clients. Only Pi-hole knows what pi.hole is and can turn that in to an IP address.

If things fail when putting as the DNS in the router then you need to look to see why the router is not using it. Could be something like a firewall, could be something like Rebind Protection, could be a whole lot. I don't think you've ever said what the router is?

Router model: Arcadyan VGV7519

I have never had this problem. So what should I change in the router settings. This only happened after updating to the newest version of pihole...

Have you setup the router DHCP service like described in that doc I posted earlier ?
If not and configured the WAN/Internet DNS settings to point to Pi-hole, you might experience some kind of router security feature like rebind protection that DanSchaper mentioned earlier:

The end goal is to have a response similar as below on a client:

C:\>nslookup pi.hole
Server:  ph5

Name:    pi.hole

C:\>nslookup flurry.com
Server:  ph5

Name:    flurry.com
Addresses:  ::

EDIT: Dont run nslookup in a Termux session on Android!
Termux always default uses Google's public DNS service at if not specify a DNS server.
For Android you can install the "Network Info" app that up till now reliably shows DNS servers configured.

I... was using termux on my phone. I didn't know termux uses instead of the used dns.

I couldn't find any setting in my router that had to do with disabling rebind protection.

I will try the nslookup thing on my computer (win10).

Should I try after that, to uninstall pihole and install an older version? As this problem only came forward after updating... Using the second newest version should work perfectly as it only stopped working after updating the the newest version.

No. It is highly likely the problem is not related to the Pi-hole version.

On my windows 10 pc, with the (only) dns server setup as as seen below using ipconfig /all.

The first command and output:


These outputs match so that's good.

The second command and output:


These also match so that's also good.

Both commands were done only with my pc using pihole. These commands were not done using pihole as dns server in the router settings.
Do you also want the nslookup outputs when pihole is setup as dns server in the router settings (the outputs now are when only my pc is connected to pihole) or is this enough?

Yes, because this appears to be the configuration that is causing problems.

Following commands and ouputs were while pihole was setup in the routers settings as dns server and the only server (others were


Strangely enough, it is working now. I have pihole setup as the only dns server in the router settings and I have internet access. I did nothing. Just changed the dns server from standard to pihole, and it isn't blocking now... I haven't changed anything in any settings. Since the problem started, I haven't changed any settings in the router or pihole. All I have been doing was switching between and in the router dns settings, for when you guys had questions or asked to do something. Everytime I changed to, internet access was blocked. Now I change it, and it isn't blocked. A great mystery why it is working now...

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