Pi-hole as Primary & Secondary DNS Causes Internet Loss – Why?

Hi everyone,

I'm new to Pi-hole and recently decided to set it up on one of my Raspberry Pis. Since I have two Raspberry Pis running, I figured I might as well use one for Pi-hole, which I did. I set it as my primary DNS, tested it, and confirmed that it was blocking a lot of ads. However, when I tested it using this ad test, I noticed that some ads still appeared (I had disabled my browser’s ad blocker).

To troubleshoot, I ran ipconfig /all on my terminal and found that my PC was using my router’s gateway as a secondary DNS, even though the secondary DNS field is empty in my router settings. I then tried setting my Pi-hole as both the primary and secondary DNS, but when I did that, I lost internet access for some reason.

To work around this, I installed a second Pi-hole instance on my other Raspberry Pi and set it as my secondary DNS. However, that also caused me to lose internet access. The only way I can maintain connectivity is by either leaving the secondary DNS field empty or setting it to a public DNS server.

I even tested this behavior on a different router (ZTE F6600) and encountered the same issue! Am I missing something in my setup?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Please upload a debug log and post just the token URL that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:

pihole -d

or do it through the Web interface:

Tools > Generate Debug Log

Here's the token : https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/SmsegBoq/

Any idea?

If your blocking ads and it seems to be working fine then I would suggest trusting that over a site called "fuzzytheipguy.tech" who does an ad test, no disrepect to fuzzy but trust your eye balls.

I would suggest removing the 2nd Pihole, its not needed. Make sure the pihole is statically assigned and that IP is being set in the DNS Settings in the Routers DHCP / LAN settings and not the WAN settings ( both have DNS Settings ). WAN dns can be set to any provider you chose such as or

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