Pi-Hole as DNS & DHCP server, and Wifi Access point

Hi folks,

I've managed to get pi-hole working on my wired and wireless connection, along with Open VPN.

The DHCP server is disabled on my router, and all of my network devices connect to the RPi for DHCP and DNS.

The next is to turn the RPi into an access point.

I found this script to automagically setup the RPI as an access point:

And I found as it installs UDHCPD, it gets in the way of the DHCP component of Pi-hole.

I changed the UDHCPD configuration (/etc/default/udhcpd)



And DHCP was working again via pi-hole.

But the issue I'm facing is I can see my RPI access point, I can connect it to, but for some reason pi-hole does issue a DHCP response over the wifi access point. On my mobile device, it stuck at "obtaining IP address"

Has anyone had any similiar experience with setting up pi-hole and a WIFI access point, with DHCP enabled in pi-hole,


Your Pi might try to start two DHCP daemons now, UDHCPD and dnsmasq, conflicting with each other on DHCP port 67 UDP.
What does below one give you ?

pi@noads:~ $ sudo netstat -nlup | grep "Proto\|:67 "
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
udp        0      0    *                           16922/dnsmasq

Hi DeHakkelaar,

Thank you for your suggestion, I thought I had UDHCPD disabled, but I will still check this once I get home.

Many thanks


This was the result that I got,

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo netstat -nlup | grep "Proto|:67 "
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
udp 0 0* 813/dnsmasq

Do you have any other suggestions of why clients can't get an IP address via this access point?


Do you have other wlan client like for example a laptop or PC as pads/phones are a bit hard to diagnose lacking tools etc ?
If have wlan laptop, try connect to wlan and set a static IP to see if that works (eg ping pihole IP address) , taking DHCP out of the loop ?

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