If I'm using Pi-hole as my LAN's DHCP server, are there any additional steps I have to do if I'm also using it as an all-around DNS solution with unbound?
I followed this guide unbound - Pi-hole documentation
I'm currently using the DHCP server from my ISP router, but a few days ago I had the router's DHCP server turned off and was using Pihole as the DHCP server. With unbound configured, I was getting DNS request timeouts like the ones described here.
I'm ready to set Pihole as the DHCP server again, but I'm just wondering if there were any additional steps I have to do if I'm using unbound. I'm a complete noob to all of this so I would appreciate patience I expect to encounter the same issue, so I'll post any relevant information about the error here. In the meantime, if anyone here knows what could possibly cause requests timeouts when using dig and nslookup with this by-the-guide + Pihole as DHCP server setup, I'd appreciate any tips!