I tried now everything migrating from Raspberry Pi to a laptop and installed Ubuntu, but my Alexa is still not able to connect to my pi-hole. For clearness. I setuped my pihole machine over LAN. Then I created a hotspot with my pi-hole machine. 3 IoT devices are able to connect to my pi-hole over the provided hotspot (and have fully internet connection). Just alexa refuses to connect. If I try on a other hotspot like my other Phone or my home wifi it works flawlessly.
Expected Behaviour:
From my perspective, I do not see, why it does not connect to my hotspot.
Remark: I do not have any filterlist on my pi-hole (I wanted to be sure that everything is allowed).
Something stuck with me from reading somewhere a long while back to disable IPv6 but cant remember where and why.
Just did a search:
Configure your backend DHCP server to provide only IPv4 addresses. Disable IPv6 addresses.
EDIT: Oh that same page shows a nice list of domains for whitelisting:
|443|TCP|All of the following URLs:
* https://pindorama.amazon.com:443
* https://firs-ta-g7g.amazon.com/FirsProxy:443
* https://todo-ta-g7g.amazon.com/FionaTodoListProxy:443
* https://guipitan.amazon.com:443
* https://det-ta-g7g.amazon.com/DeviceEventProxy:443
* https://device-metrics-us.amazon.com/metricsBatch:443
pi@ph5b:~ $ xargs -n 1 pihole -q <<< 'pindorama.amazon.com firs-ta-g7g.amazon.com todo-ta-g7g.amazon.com guipitan.amazon.com det-ta-g7g.amazon.com device-metrics-us.amazon.com'
[i] No results found for pindorama.amazon.com within the adlists
[i] No results found for firs-ta-g7g.amazon.com within the adlists
[i] No results found for todo-ta-g7g.amazon.com within the adlists
[i] No results found for guipitan.amazon.com within the adlists
[i] No results found for det-ta-g7g.amazon.com within the adlists
Match found in https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts:
$ pihole -w -h
Usage: pihole -w [options] <domain> <domain2 ...>
Example: 'pihole -w site.com', or 'pihole -w site1.com site2.com'
Whitelist one or more domains
-d, --delmode Remove domain(s) from the whitelist
-nr, --noreload Update whitelist without reloading the DNS server
-q, --quiet Make output less verbose
-h, --help Show this help dialog
-l, --list Display all your whitelistlisted domains
--nuke Removes all entries in a list
--comment "text" Add a comment to the domain. If adding multiple domains the same comment will be used for all
Just tried out and did not worked.
If a enable the rules from amazon (especisally the ports) I lose internet on my other devices!
EDIT! If I use the whitelist:
I get this:
Match found in exact whitelist
Match found in exact whitelist
Match found in exact whitelist
[i] No results found for guipitan.amazon.com within the adlists
Match found in exact whitelist
Match found in exact whitelist
Do you mean that IPv6 test link showed IPv6 connectivity?
If so, you can assume the Alexa also does if it supports IPv6.
I dont know why below is documented:
But its worth a try to disable IPv6 support on the router for that LAN part only.
But but but have you checked already following the logs live when you hookup the Alexa to your network?