Pi hole admin page and queries no longer intercepted from PC

I double checked and indeed, there was a problem on my pi-hole.
What happened due to the move of router from the ISP, I missed that I had x.x.2.1 as a gateway. Now that I had to move that to the other subnet 2.2, I had to change the gateway.

Also, it seems I had orphans nameserver in the /etc/resolv.conf that were due to the previous ADSL connection from the ISP, using the fiber and new router, changed that too.

Is everything resolved and working correctly now?

I just finished additional checks.
Yes, it is.
Even http://pi.hole/admin/ works from my local client.

Summary: I have a new router, new technology (Fiber, 10G PON).
I was not able to modify the DNS from that router, due to interface limitations.
Additionally, I had some new issue because my pi-hole gateway used to be, and due to the new router limitations I had to connect it to the RAX200 router which had... has IP.
Therefore, I had to modify that RAX200 IP to be 2.1, so the pi.hole gateway is now correct again, and it works.

So it was due to technical limitations on the new router (ISP confirmed we can't change DNS) and an oversight from my part, I should have noticed that IP change and gateway issue.

We can close the ticket, now thanks a lot everyone!

Edit: I should say that now all queries have the router IP address (, even from various clients. I know it's a know limitation for not using pi-hole as dhcp server, and that there's some reading and information about that. I will check another time and anyway, that's another issue.

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