Pi-hole, 6 yrs ago and today

Facebook reminded me a photo from 6 yrs ago. I was using Pi-Hole core v3.3.1 with FTL v3.0 on a Raspberry Pi 3B which was the DNS & DHCP server on my LAN. Today I still use the same Raspberry Pi as the DNS & DHCP server on my LAN, now running core v5.18.2 with FTL v5.25.1. Thank you everyone who works on this project, all developers, programmers, testers. I put both photos here.


Wow !!
That's impressively long time.
How many SD cards did it consume ?

2 different SD cards I guess. It was on a 16GB Samsung card with Debian (Rasbian) Stretch, then when Buster came out, I have formatted a new 32GB card and still use it. Did not even bother to upgrade to Bullseye. I have other RPi headless servers running on Bullseye though, for them I don't bother for Bookworm either :laughing:

As long it is a good brand SD card, not so many other software running on the same server reading/writing to card, with a good power supply, no undervoltage, and no power failures (all my servers are on UPS), the SD cards last quite a long time.


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