Pi 5 Bookworm Pihole Problems

It's no problem, the imgae is installed straight away :slight_smile: what else could I try?

There is still a service thats keeping that connman service on port 53. I'm trying to figure that out at the moment.

I found this How do I disable network manager permanently? - Ask Ubuntu

The solution mentions stopping and disabling 4 total services tied with network-manager.service.

Here you should disable NetworkManager service (as you have already done):

sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager.service

and three more services:

sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager-wait-online.service
sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager-wait-online.service

sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager-dispatcher.service
sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager-dispatcher.service

sudo systemctl stop network-manager.service
sudo systemctl disable network-manager.service

and then reboot.

keep in mind that each sudo command should be run seperately so 8 total commands. I'm not home so I can't test this but it should work. I don't think it will prevent your system from boot like the connman.service did.

Unfortunately the last point doesn't work

I thought that would have done it. I'm going to do a test build on a spare pi and see if I can work it out.

I installed the standard raspberry pi bookworm with desktop and pihole without issue or having to disable the network manager so its something in that image from Solaranzeige that is different.

What does the following command show:

cat /etc/os-release

Also, I did a quick search for that system and pi and saw this article. I don't read German but the image in the article suggests a similar issue with connman service. It might give some insight.

I also found this article. It may also be a solution.


Look at section 3.5 It instructions you create a directory and add a config file to to that directory. Then either restart the service or reboot. Creating the directory and the file needs to be done using sudo.

sudo mkdir /etc/systemd/system/connman.service.d/

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/connman.service.d/disable_dns_proxy.conf

paste in the following into the editor

ExecStart=/usr/bin/connmand -n --nodnsproxy

Then do a ctrl+x to save the file.

reboot and check the ports with:

sudo lsof -nP -iUDP

Hi in the solar display forum, I already wrote that unfortunately no one knows why this is the case.

I would give the arch.wiki instructions a shot then. Create the directory and file and see if that helps. If not I'm not sure what else to try.

Thank you, I've already tried it, unfortunately it doesn't work either. Have you tried installing the solar display image?

I had to register to get access. I think I have the right version "Solaranzeige_V6.0.1-64Bit.zip"

I've downloaded it. I'm not home at the moment but I will test it and see and post results.

great, thank you very much

A search here for connman reveals below:

1 Like

is there a default username / password for that build?

Pw solaranzeige

Thanks. Tried this with a config file but didn't seem to take. Editing as described in the post might work better.

You can do so by running below which will start an editor for the connman systemd unit:

sudo systemctl edit --full connman.service

Find the line that starts with ExecStart= and append --nodnsproxy at the end so it looks similar as below:

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/connmand -n --nodnsproxy

Save/exit and run below two to apply:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

sudo systemctl restart connman.service

Restart pihole-FTL:

sudo systemctl restart pihole-FTL.service

And check who is listening now on port 53:

sudo ss -nltup sport = 53

Recovery, you may wish to give this a shot as well.

So this does indeed work. From a fresh build I ran"

sudo systemctl edit --full connman.service

Find the line that starts with ExecStart= and append --nodnsproxy at the end so it looks similar as below:

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/connmand -n --nodnsproxy

Save/exit and run below two to apply:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

sudo systemctl restart connman.service

I checked to make sure that port 53 was open and it was.

Installed Pihole with no issues and port 53 is now in use by pihole-FT as it should be.

Thank you so much, I didn't think it would be possible anymore, I'm so happy. Thank you very much


A post was split to a new topic: TeamSpeak / TS3ANetwork connection question

@recovery since your problem is solved here I've moved your followup question to a new thread. You mentioned it doesn't belong in the forum so I put it in the Off topic category, as someone may still have some knowledge of it or how it relates to Pi-hole. Seems that product also has a support forum so you'll probably get further asking in there.


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