I shut down my RPI with network setup to go thtough pi hole and unbound, to image the sd card rpi os for a backup.
I noticed my windows pc still connects to the net.
I shut down my RPI with network setup to go thtough pi hole and unbound, to image the sd card rpi os for a backup.
I noticed my windows pc still connects to the net.
I have a linksys ea9500, DNS pointing to pi hole ip, DHCP is disabled on the router and enabled on pi hole, unbound is set on the RPI os.
I have my windows pc ip set manually like so
I don't know how the windows PC is connecting with routers DHCP disabled and RPI disconnected.
That is odd, so I pointed manual dns to pi hole ip. but with routers dhcp disabled, and was pointed at, this PC should have not have any connection, because dhcp is being handled by pi hole and it was shutdown, but was able to still browse with manual dns set to routers ip with routers dhcp disabled.
Run from your Windows PC, please share the DNS server section in the output of:
ipconfig /all
We are just interested in the DNS server section of that output.
Manual set Set on
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
Manual set Set on
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
Why does each of those clients point to a different DNS server IPs (i.e. vs.
And what's the story about that second DNS server address in another subnet ( and
And just to be safe, what's the output of:
netsh interface ipv6 show dnsservers
Windows PC was set to DNS which originally when I had the RPI just have RPI OS and PI Hole in which the router DNS was directed to PI Hole IP address. That's why I am confused my DHCP is disabled on the router and PI Hole is DHCP and the windows PC still had connection with internet while RPI was shut off with as network adapter windows 10 manual DNS set..
The is RPI/PI-Hole/Unbound.
Configuration for interface "Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1"
Statically Configured DNS Servers: None
Register with which suffix: None
And what's the story about that second DNS server address in another subnet ( and
So on the manual edit on windows 10 network adapter I have set dns1 and 2 as is doubled with DNS ip, same in both fields 1 and 2, windows is set but shows and
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
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