PADD Connection Reset Error

To accomplish what? You're futzing with things you don't know and causing yourself problems.

Do you know the contents of the file? Do you understand what you are running? Do you know if it's doing something that breaks Pi-hole?

I'm following guides. I started from a scratch install of Raspbery Pi OS.

This file updates a youtube ads blocklist on pihole every hour. There are A LOT of recommendations for this script. No reason why it should break pi-hole or affect FTL.

The reason this is necessary to is stay on top of updating youtube adlists so that I can prevent youtube ads in my home.

It's snake oil, it doesn't work.

So uninstall the youtube script and see how she goes?

Yes. The script is likely the cause of the restarts.

Note that there is no reliable way to block YouTube ads with Pi-hole. YouTube serves ads from the same domains as the content, and uses frequently changing subdomains. There are some hacks available (you have found one) to try to keep up with the changing domains. But, these have no complete success in the long run and usually end up breaking something in YouTube (content won't load, dead air, etc.).

The only reliable ways I am aware of to block YouTube ads are subscribing to YouTube Premium (or whatever they call it now), or using a browser with uBlock Origin installed, or not using YouTube.

I'll give it a go. Thank you all for your help!

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