I've been using the latest version of Pi-Hole and it works perfectly. However, there is one simple thing that bothers me.
The setup is that all clients point to PI-Hole as the DNS server. PFsense is closed, so it is not possible to look up DNS without going through Pi-Hole.
In PFsense, I have some time ago made a DoH rule that blocks DNS over HTTPS. It is a list that is updated continuously.
Not so long ago I see that Pi-Hole does not update the lists from v.firebog.net, and read about the problems that were from years ago. Now I am using the latest 64 bit version of Pi-Hole, so that problem is not relevant in this case.
It turns out that my blocking in PFsense of DoH prevents the Pi-Hole from accessing firebog.net.
I then make a rule that specifically allows Pi-Hole access to DoH ip, and now all the block lists from the firebog are updated as they should.
So far so good.
When I try to access firebog.net in a browser that is set to NOT use DNS over HTTPS, I don't get a connection.
That confuses me. Pi-Hole has access to everything, and should do a proper DNS lookup. But it doesn't work.
Only if I in PFsense allow everyone access to DNS over HTTPS IP (DoH) then I get a correct firebog.net connection in Firefox.
But the Firefox that I use in this case (and other browsers I've tried) is set to NOT use DoH, only local Pi-Hole.
What is it that makes firebog.net can only be accessed when there is no DoH blocking in PFsense?
In PFsense, it is set up to query DNS (from Pi-hole) via over port 853.
It's only firebog.net I've noticed that has the problem, every other place I visit on the web works perfectly, and Pi-Hole does the job just fine.