One Reverse Domain with 1000 hits in less seconds, why?

I have one entry in "Top Permitted Domains" that hits daily about 10.000 times:

Status: OK (sent to

Last occurrence (time slot): from 2024-04-27 11:03:26 to 2024-04-27 11:03:33 for about 1.000 hits.

I understand that the domains handle the task of converting IP addresses back into names. But why does this happen so often in a short amount of time by my FritzBox for this device/IP only?

Any help appreciated,

Some information:

  • Pi Hole v5.18.2, FTLv5.25.1, Web Interface v5.21
  • Using Pi Hole as upstream DNS server for my FritzBox
  • DHCP via FritzBox

No one any idea why there could be so much actions between "" and the "fritzBox"? :frowning:

Does know how to answer this query? If not, the client will scream into the abyss until it gets an answer.

I assume it does not, since the client ( is asking itself for the answer.

You can map this domain to an IP in Local DNS records in Pi-hole and then Pi-hole will answer.

Hi @jfb thanks for your answer and sorry for my late response!

Oh, that hint could be great! I have some entries in the Local DNS and it seems that this mapping is out dated (for some reason the IP changed for the device). Lets see in 1-2 days if this fixes the issue.

Thanks a lot!