One Gravity Twin Blocking Few Requests


i have two pi-hole instances which are synced via gravity. gravity seems to be working correctly, both pi-hole instances have the same large "domains on adlists".i have pfsense setup to query both pi-hole instances for dns lookup.

one instance (a1) gets approx. 10x more queries than the other instance (a2). a1 blocks about 30% of queries while a2 blocks only blocks about 1% of queries.

a1 =
a2 =

at large sample sizes, i would expect the percentage blocked values to more or less align. this makes me think that a2 is not working correctly, please help me determine why.


Assuming you have configured all of your client devices to use both DNS servers.

Clients can choose whatever DNS server they want. Could be based in response time, or a whim. Whatever the case, the more important metric is are ads being blocked equally by the two servers.

I have two Pi-holes setup, and they both use the same lists. One server is used most of the time, the other not as much. Ads are being blocked, and that is good enough for me.

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I have two piholes and whichever one is being used by our Amazon tablets blocks around 40% of queries. If I shut that one down the other quickly blocked the same percentage.