This is likely not the case. With the blocklists you are using, your Pi-hole is well able to block ads. You have only had this Pi-hole running for a few hours, and it hasn't had an opportunity to block much. I suspect much of the client activity has come from the localhost (Pi-hole) loading blocklists and the like from the internet, and none of this traffic would be expected to be blocked. Let's take a look at the client and other activity. Please post the output of these commands from the Pi teminal - it is best if you copy and paste them into a reply.
echo ">stats >quit" | nc localhost 4711
echo ">top-clients >quit" | nc localhost 4711
echo ">top-domains >quit" | nc localhost 4711
echo ">top-ads >quit" | nc localhost 4711
From your debug log, one problem is noted. You have entered a URL (the last one shown) that does not lead to a text blocklist, but instead leads to a formatted web page that contains a number of blocklists. Pi-hole will not be able to retrieve any domains from this URL.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 339 May 8 16:53 /etc/pihole/adlists.list