No IPv4 address(es) found on the interface

I've posted this question on reddit first HERE and have a ticket with the docker image provider HERE and here is the link to the debug

So I have had this running since 2019 and for no apparent reason it started refusing DNS queries. Once a reboot didn't fix it I went through and updated everything from network gear to local windows servers. Right now the pihole is set to cloudflare for troubleshooting, but I use 2 local windows AD DNS servers as my upstream DNS so AD works. I use a wired connection with a POE hat and a DNS reservation. I use Unifi UDMPro for my router and have disabled all the security stuff to see if content filtering or something was blocking it for some reason. The root cause seems to be there is no IPv4 address found on the interface, but there is and is accessible so not sure what is going on there. If anyone has any ideas please let me know!

I wanted to note that this command works when ran from the host or pihole container, I can also ping the gateway. Not sure why pihole diagnostics is failing this command.

$ ip -4 addr show dev eth0 | awk -F ' ' '{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i ~ '/^inet/') print $(i+1) }'
$ ip -6 addr show dev eth0 | awk -F ' ' '{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i ~ '/^inet/') print $(i+1) }'
*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Networking
[✗] No IPv4 address(es) found on the  interface.

[✗] No IPv6 address(es) found on the  interface.

[i] Default IPv4 gateway:
   * Pinging
[✗] Gateway did not respond. (

This has been resolved, in BalenaOS there is a Purge Data option which I think is like wiping out your appdata, so when it reloads the container you lose all your pihole settings. I backed up and restored the settings in pihole and all is well now. Something must have gotten corrupt somewhere.