The tail of the pihole.log file only includes this information:
Jan 19 20:00:14: query[A] from
Jan 19 20:00:14: forwarded to
Jan 19 20:00:16: query[A] pi.hole from
Jan 19 20:00:16: Pi-hole hostname pi.hole is
The variables are defined in a .env file (which is loaded in the docker-compose file and is resolved as well). The docker services are running on docker desktop on macOS (i.e. I actually named the variable in the .env file with a different name just to make sure it was being resolved).
That's nice to know - still, HOST_IP_V4_ADDRESS isn't one of Pi-hole' valid environment variables. While you should change that (probably to FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4), it's not likely to contribute to your observation.
That would indicate that Pi-hole has forwarded the query, but never received a response.
Note that unbound has to be configured correctly to accept queries from Pi-hole.
You should check whether and how unbound has been receiving and processing the query, which likely would require to enable unbound's logging and adjust its verbosity levels, if that's not already active.
On a side note, do you intend to use your unbound as a recursive resolver?
If so, mvance/unbound probably isn't the right choice, as that's not configuring unbound as a recursive resolver, but as a DoT forwarder.
Since you've put your Pi-hole and unbound container's on the same Docker internal network, did you try to have Pi-hole talk to unbound on port 53 directly, e.g. PIHOLE_DNS_: ''?
#facepalm! Yeah, I meant to write FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4 (which doesn't change any behaviour on the pihole itself).
On my raspberry pi I used to have this setup. But now looking at the comments of the blog post (and your comment above), I see that it's not a perfect configuration.