No ad blocking on the speedtest site

Ad Blocking isn't working on though

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I See This

Have you verified that the client on which you are running this browser is using Pi-hole for DNS? Are you seeing queries for speedtest in the Pi-hole log when you open that web page in the client?

What browser and OS is this?

Windows 10 home and google chrome

My phone doesn't show an ad on the speed test app, but my laptop does show ads on the website

This is an indication that either the laptop browser or the laptop are not using Pi-hole for DNS.

sorry, the speedtest app on my phone doesn't have ads, but YouTube on my phone does, so its something with pihole

This is expected. Pi-hole can't block ads on Youtube reliable.

If you see ads on the laptop, but don't see the same ads on the phone, and both are using Pi-hole, it is likely the problem is not Pi-hole.

The problem you are reporting (speedtest ads) is quite different than YouTube ads, which are not blockable with Pi-hole. Speedtest ads can be blocked with Pi-hole (and are blocked on the phone).

Oh, that could be true, my laptop could be the fault

But, what's wrong with it

My laptop was using + pihole as dns, is that the problem

That's it, after removing ad blocking works, thank you all guys, now if I have pihole problems where to ask

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