NextCloud / OwnCloud

After installing Pi-hole on raspberry pi 3, i lose access to Nextcloud ,
does anyone have any idea how to fix it ?

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Have a look into your Query Log:


Here, you can see which domains are blocked and can explicitly whitelist them.

i think the problem is that Pi-hole and nexcloud is using the same local address

Aha, so they are on the same device? That was not clear. Then it might happen that lighttpd wants to run on the same port as your Nextcloud server.

Edit your Nextcloud settings to use a different port than port 80. If you would change the settings on the side of Pi-hole, blocking will not work for you.

Pi-hole is working, but nextcloud is not working :frowning: i should to uninstall pi-hole ,

You misunderstood my point: Pi-hole has to work on port 80 to be able to block any ads.

According to the Nextcloud website, Nextcloud is running on port 80 as well - it is not possible to run two services on the same port on the same machine without problems.

If you still want to run both on the same machine, go to /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf and change

<VirtualHost *:80>

into e.g.

<VirtualHost *:8080>

You will then be able to access Nextcloud as before on pi.hole:8080. (A restart of the system might be necessary).

changed is not helping
maybe because my default address to nextcloud is not under 192...1/nextcloud/ but because is on main ip 192...1

I'm not using Nextcloud myself so I cannot help much further. You may want to ask in a Nextclound forum how to run Nextcloud on a different port it port 80 is already in use.

Update: Fixed , the problem was in port
after the adress have to be
thanks @DL6ER :wink:

Ah, right. Sorry for not having mentioned that. Glad it works for you now!

Using the current NextCloudPi, it requires to change the port 80 at two locations:

  • /etc/apache2/ports.conf
  • /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

Note that Nexcloud only uses port 80 to redirect to SSL with port 443 anyway, so the access point is not used anyway. Pi-hole admin interface is not served via SSL so there is no clash of ports. I also modified /var/www/html/index.html to show links to Nexcloud and to Pi-hole admin interface.

As far as I know NextCloud is going to switch from Apache webserver to nginx so the setup will be different in the future.