I have a standard Pi4 with the following OS:
pi@raspberrypi:~/Desktop$ uname -a
Linux raspberrypi 5.10.63-v7l+ #1457 SMP Tue Sep 28 11:26:14 BST 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux
Internet is provided from ATT and is fiber with their gateway. On their site I did the following since they seem to have some control over dhcp behavior
turned off "DNS Error Assist"
On my gateway I made the following change
went into Subnets&DHCP section and turned off "DHCP Server Enable"
In the Pi-hole dashboard I made this change
DHCP tab and check DHCP server enabled
ensured the IP address for router (gateway) IP address was correct
Actual Behaviour:
The Pi-hole seems to be working, but I'm not getting any ads blocked. I verified this by using the site ksl.com. They usually have an ad at the top and then an ad every few articles. I had someone with a working Pi-hole check this site and the ads are in fact blocked for them.
On my end I've tried Firefox and Chrome with both normal and Private mode on two different laptops and one iPhone. Both are showing ads.
I tried this to verify this without a browser. With the Pi-hole on, I get 0's for the address returned. When I disable the Pi-hole via the dashboard I get an actual IP address returned. I did this on my phone and laptop, both displayed similar results.
❯ host pagead2.googlesyndication.com
Using domain server:
pagead2.googlesyndication.com has address
Finally I can see the IP's in my dashboard for all of these devices and they show they are using Pi-hole. Additionally there are a lot of things being blocked in the dashboard.
When I had originally set it up I was wireless first then wired. I’ve since changed that configuration. But didn’t restart before I collected that logs so they changed didn’t take effect.
I’ll restart.
Do you think that’s the issue? Once restarted do you need another log collection assuming it still doesn’t work?
I fixed that dual IP thing yesterday but didn’t reboot or restart the service.
After rebooting that fixed that issue.
Apologies for the waste of time. I should have caught that. Thanks for the help though. Much appreciated. I wasted so much time on it.
If you have time (if not no worries) why was it seeming to work via the dashboard and and some of the other testing but in practice it didn’t actually work.
Was it because it was working over eth0 but then the wlan0 would allow it work? I had it it set to listen to all interfaces.