New installation fails

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

  1. Installation pihole works

What I did:
fresh install Linux Mint 19
fresh install pihole: [✗] DNS service is NOT running
fresh install pihole beta: [✗] DNS service is NOT running
pihole -r: [✗] DNS service is NOT running

Actual Behaviour:

installation fails
[✗] DNS service is NOT running

Debug Token:


based on some rudimentary research (i don't know mint at all) this post may be what you're looking for the issues are with the networkmanager

1 Like


rm /etc/pihole/ftlbranch
pihole checkout dev

  [i] Shortcut "dev" detected - checking out development / devel branches...

  [i] Pi-hole Core
  [✓] Switching to branch: 'development' from 'refs/heads/master'
Bereits aktuell.

  [i] Web interface
  [✓] Switching to branch: 'devel' from 'refs/heads/master'
Bereits aktuell.

  [✓] Detected x86_64 architecture
  [✓] Installing FTL
  [i] Running installer to upgrade your installation

  [✓] Root user check

         :cccclll:.      ..,,
          :ccccclll.   ;ooodc
           'ccll:;ll .oooodc
                 .. ','.
        .........  ....  .........
        ..........      ..........
        ..........      ..........
        .........  ....  .........

  [i] Testing for port 53 availability...
  [✓] Port 53 is available.
  [i] Existing PHP installation detected : PHP version 7.2.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.2
  [i] Performing unattended setup, no whiptail dialogs will be displayed
  [✓] Disk space check

  [✓] Update local cache of available packages

  [✓] Checking apt-get for upgraded packages... up to date!

  [i] Installer Dependency checks...
  [✓] Checking for apt-utils
  [✓] Checking for dialog
  [✓] Checking for debconf
  [✓] Checking for dhcpcd5
  [✓] Checking for git
  [✓] Checking for iproute2
  [✓] Checking for whiptail

  [✓] Check for existing repository in /etc/.pihole
  [✓] Update repo in /etc/.pihole

  [✓] Check for existing repository in /var/www/html/admin
  [✓] Update repo in /var/www/html/admin

  [i] Main Dependency checks...
  [✓] Checking for bc
  [✓] Checking for cron
  [✓] Checking for curl
  [✓] Checking for dnsutils
  [✓] Checking for iputils-ping
  [✓] Checking for lsof
  [✓] Checking for netcat
  [✓] Checking for psmisc
  [✓] Checking for sudo
  [✓] Checking for unzip
  [✓] Checking for wget
  [✓] Checking for idn2
  [✓] Checking for sqlite3
  [✓] Checking for libcap2-bin
  [✓] Checking for dns-root-data
  [✓] Checking for resolvconf
  [✓] Checking for lighttpd
  [✓] Checking for php7.2-common
  [✓] Checking for php7.2-cgi
  [✓] Checking for php7.2-sqlite3

  [✓] Enabling lighttpd service to start on reboot
  [✓] Installing scripts from /etc/.pihole

  [i] Installing configs from /etc/.pihole...
  [i] Existing dnsmasq.conf found... it is not a Pi-hole file, leaving alone!
  [✓] Copying 01-pihole.conf to /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf

  [i] Installing blocking page...
  [✓] Creating directory for blocking page, and copying files
  [✗] Backing up index.lighttpd.html
        No default index.lighttpd.html file found... not backing up

  [✓] Installing sudoer file

  [✓] Installing latest Cron script

  [✓] Installing latest logrotate script

  [i] FTL Checks...
  [✓] Detected x86_64 architecture
  [i] Checking for existing FTL binary...
  [✓] Downloading and Installing FTL
  [i] FTL can now resolve DNS Queries without dnsmasq running separately
  [✓] Stopping dnsmasq service...
  [✓] Disabling dnsmasq service

  [✓] man pages installed and database updated
  [✓] Starting lighttpd service
  [✓] Enabling lighttpd service to start on reboot
  [i] Restarting services...
  [✓] Starting pihole-FTL service
  [✓] Enabling pihole-FTL service to start on reboot
  [✓] Deleting existing list cache
  [✗] DNS service is not running
  [✓] Starting DNS service
  [✗] DNS resolution is not available
   Error: Unable to complete update, please contact support

right now I reinstalled in Mint 18

not all is fine now

couldt anybody describe please step by step how to install the beta/dev-Version? I'm confused and missmached the branches. dnsmasq didn't work properly.

I think you ran into something we are working on fixing which has to do with systrem language and locale not being in english and the script expecting an english reply from various git commands

the only step one should need to take inorder to run the dev branch is pihole checkout dev

  1. I installed the normal release via curl -sSL | bash

ZBOX ~ # pihole -v
Pi-hole version is v3.3.1 (Latest: v3.3.1)
AdminLTE version is v3.3 (Latest: v3.3)
FTL version is v3.0 (Latest: v3.0)

  1. I change the branch pihole checkout dev
 [i] Testing for port 53 availability...
   Port 53 is in use by dnsmasq.
    In order for the installer to proceed, dnsmasq needs to be disabled.
    Please re-run the installer with the following command:
    curl -sSL | bash -s -- --skip-DNS-port-check

ZBOX ~ # pihole -v
Pi-hole version is v3.3-395-ge32c76b (Latest: v3.3.1)
AdminLTE version is v3.2.1-300-g97967f6 (Latest: v3.3)
FTL version is vDev-f517961 (Latest: v3.0)

  1. I have use: curl -sSL | bash -s -- --skip-DNS-port-check

ZBOX ~ # pihole -v
Pi-hole version is v3.3-395-ge32c76b (Latest: v3.3.1)
AdminLTE version is v3.2.1-300-g97967f6 (Latest: v3.3)
FTL version is v3.0 (Latest: v3.0)

in result: the old FTL-Engine still installed

this shows you are on the development version of FTL

not after necessary curl -sSL | bash -s -- --skip-DNS-port-check

That curl command isn't in the master code, it's on the development branch only.

That's really interesting, but what should I do?

Isn't there any step by step guide?

Open that URL in a browser, which redirects to and you'll see that skip-DNS-port-check is missing. When you curl the installer like that it only pulls the master released code.

that was my first step. Then I want to switch to the dev-version.

If I run pihole -up:

[✓] Restarting Network manager
[i] Checking if dnsmasq is still running
[!] dnsmasq still active, this is most likely due to the fact that dnsmasq
was loaded via a non convetional method. This might cause future conflicts with FTLDNS

Unable to complete update, please contact Pi-hole Support

That instruction isn't working yet, that's why it's on the development branch code. I'm checking to see what the proper way is, Mint 19 is very similar to Ubuntu 18.04 where this issue comes up.

It's development code, it will break on occasion and we'll try to get the best solution possible, but this is code that is under heavy testing and rework.

Thanky you, but I changed back to Mint 18.

I only need intsructions to switch to the dev branch, because I used it well the last monthes

probably you should modify or remove blog postes like


echo "FTLDNS" | sudo tee /etc/pihole/ftlbranch
pihole checkout core FTLDNS 
pihole checkout web FTLDNS

didn't work

It's irritating and frustrating.

The dev branch as Dan said, is under heavy testing and it's not meant to be used as an end/stable product by the users.

You were prompted by this at branch switching:

What I would recommend is switching to the FTLDNS branch by following these steps:

First you need to edit your /etc/resolve.conf in order for your DNS resolution to work.

Edit the file with sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf and change to or any public DNS you like.

  1. start from scratch.
    Install the stable version with curl -sSL | bash

  2. IF you want to switch to FTLDNS after you installed the master, use the same commands specified in the guides:

echo "FTLDNS" | sudo tee /etc/pihole/ftlbranch
pihole checkout core FTLDNS
pihole checkout web FTLDNS

Due to the nature of your environment and the presence of Network Manager, after FTLDNS is installed, you need to make sure that Network Manager does NOT enable dnsmasq (at reboot) before FTLDNS. In order to achieve that, you need to edit


And comment out or delete the line that has dns=dnsmasq.

Then you need to restart NetworkManager in order for the new settings (without dnsmasq as resolver) to be applied:

sudo systemctl reload-or-restart NetworkManager

If after reboot, your /admin/ interface is showing Lost Connection To Api and DNS resolution is not working, then that means that FTLDNS is offline.

Check to see if dnsmasq is running with

sudo systemctl status dnsmasq

It should say

If dnsmasq is active you need to stop it and restart FTLDNS in order for the DNS resolution to work properly.

sudo systemctl stop dnsmasq
sudo systemctl restart pihole-FTL.service

Once you have done this, you need to find out why dnsmasq is starting.

If you don't use dnsmasq in your own setup, it is safe to uninstall it if you so chose to do so.

sudo apt remove dnsmasq however since it's a dependency of Network Manager, it MIGHT be re-installed if your environment is set-up for auto updates and it will break FTLDNS again.

If you did everything right, dnsmasq shouldn't be a problem once on FTLDNS and the disable method above.


Hi @RamSet,
Thank you for your extensive explanation and the time invested.

But I tried this before.

echo “FTLDNS” | sudo tee /etc/pihole/ftlbranch
pihole checkout core FTLDNS
pihole checkout web FTLDNS

...this is definitely not working.

ZBOX ~ # echo “FTLDNS” | sudo tee /etc/pihole/ftlbranch
ZBOX ~ # pihole checkout core FTLDNS
Please note that changing branches severely alters your Pi-hole subsystems
Features that work on the master branch, may not on a development branch
This feature is NOT supported unless a Pi-hole developer explicitly asks!
Have you read and understood this? [y/N] y
[i] Branch change has been cancelled

That was the point where I switched to the dev branch.
I hope there is any way out of the master branch.