Need help finding the reason for occasional failing DNS queries

Hello guys.
I've been running pihole quite a long time now. However, since we moved I also completely reinstalled pihole and other software on a Raspi 3 B+.

Every now and then, there is a short amount of time (~5-10 Seconds) where DNS queries through pihole fail on all devices. It usually happens once or twice in an hour, but it's definitely not a set interval.

I've tried to find the culprit myself, but I just can't figure out what's causing the problem so I'm coming to you guys for help.

Raspbian 10, Buster
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2


  • Homeassistant
  • Deconz
  • Multiple constantly running python scripts (problem persists with all scripts turned off)
  • Pihole using Cloudflare DoT Argo Tunnel for DNS (problem persists with pre-set DNS resolvers in the pihole settings)

I've tried having the htop command open to see if any processes use a large amount of resources while the issue is happening, but I couldn't find anything.
Here's a screenshot of htop during an outtage, right before creating the debug log and while it's working fine. Not much seems to change when pihole has it's hickup.

I created this debug log during an outtage.

Can you narrow down / see live when this happens? If so, can you answer the following questions:

  • Does pihole -t show any queries incoming from your devices in this interval?
  • Does /var/log/pihole.log contain details about the queries, likely even why they failed?

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