Need Help - : Could not update local repository. Contact support


Issue / Problem
I am seeing the following Error when running sudo pihole -up

: Could not update local repository. Contact support.

Potential Cause
Could this be to do with the fact that I have added the 'SpeedTest Mod' to my PiHole dashboard?

From the log below I can see that the 'Web Interface' is the only thing that requires updating.

Additional information from the command line
Below is a full read out from the command line when I runsudo pihole -up

$ pihole -up
[i] Checking for updates...
[i] Pi-hole Core: up to date
[i] Web Interface: update available
[i] FTL: up to date

[i] Pi-hole Web Admin files out of date, updating local repo.
[✓] Check for existing repository in /var/www/html/admin
[i] Update repo in /var/www/html/admin...
: Could not update local repository. Contact support.

Please could someone advise me on how to fix this. Thank you :slight_smile:

Please generate a debug log, upload when prompted and post the token here. This will give us details of your installation.

Thanks for the reply @jfb

Here is my debug token -

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi @jfb,

Is this something you are still able to help me with?

Was you able to access the debug token OK?

Thanks :slight_smile:

I am not familiar with the speedtest mod, but this may be the source of the problem. Your debug log doesn't show any problems that should prevent Pi-Hole from updating.

The speedtest mod changes the admin repository to use another remote upstream. It is not compatible with the pihole -up process.

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Thanks for the reply Dan,

Where does this leave me, does this mean there is no way for me to upgrade my pihole?

Does this mean if I want to move to the newest pihole I must format the SD card and reinstall the whole system?

Would removing the the speedtest mod and then running pihole -up be an option?

This is worth a try. After you remove it, you can run pihole -r and select repair and if that completes then you should be able to update. If not, we can try walking you through clearing out your local repository and drawing a fresh new one.

I would also contact the person who wrote and maintains the SpeedTest mod and see if they can help you get your Pi-Hole updated.

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Ask the maintainer of the speed test modification. They wrote the script that changed the repository to be off the Pi-hole maintained one. They should be able to tell you how to fix the situation their script put you in.

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