I'm trying to block a video popup that appears on nydailynews.com. It happens on the homepage as well as every article. I've scoured the Pi-Hole log trying to determine where the video is coming from and possibly narrowed it down to either cloundfront.net or from an AWS domain. I've tried blocking the cloudfront.net to no avail. I'm hesitant to block AWS without more precise information. My first question is, is this a similar youtube-unblockable ad situation if the videos are delivered from AWS?
Secondly, checking the log can be difficult at times because so much information can be recorded in a very short time frame. Is there a way of filtering just the items that successfully get through? And vice versa, a way of filtering only items that are blocked? I think that could cut down on some of extraneous entries and make searching the logs easier.
tl;dr: I am aware FAQ article on degerming where an ad is coming from lol. I'm wondering if there is a way of narrowing down (filtering) the search.