Must repair Pihole everyday or not working


First of all, sorry for my very bad english but I'm French.

I don't understand why, but for the past few weeks I must absolutely had to do a pihole -r to have Pihole re-scan all of my devices on the network, every 2 days.

If I don't, it displays 0 in the Clients windows that it analyzes, as soon as I do pihole -r everything is back to normal. My installation is only one month old, and the ONLY thing I have changed is updating raspbian ans Pihole.

Sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Pihole -up

This is absolutely everything I changed on my Raspberry PI3 B + which I only use for Pihole.

Like you answer me, I changed de Eth0 with Wlan0, because I use Pihole in Wifi. But nothing changed.

Can someone help me please?

Thank you in advance and see you soon.

Please upload a debug log and post just the token URL that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:

pihole -d

or do it through the Web interface:

Tools > Generate Debug Log

Thanks for the answer.

This is the Token :slight_smile:

[✓] Your debug token is:

Your debug log is fine. However, there a a few things that could be "improved" and might be related to the issue you experience.

You distribute your Router's IP as DNS server via DHCP to your clients. You could change that to be the IP of your Pi-hole. Advantage would be that you see individual clients in your dashboard and could use the group management if needed.

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Discovering active DHCP servers (takes 10 seconds)
   Scanning all your interfaces for DHCP servers
   Timeout: 10 seconds
   * Received 335 bytes from wlan0:
     Offered IP address:
     Server IP address:
     Relay-agent IP address: N/A
     BOOTP server: (empty)
     BOOTP file: (empty)
     DHCP options:
      Message type: DHCPOFFER (2)
      lease-time: 86400 ( 1d )
      renewal-time: 43200 ( 12h )
      rebinding-time: 75600 ( 21h )
      domain-name: "home"

You assigned an IPv6 with a global scope to your Pi-hole (2a01:XXX). This address might change, e.g. if you get a new IPv6 prefix from your ISP. If you need IPv6 within your lan, it's better to assing a ULA address.

I don't understand sorry, but I'm novice in this domain, how can i distribute the address of pihole instead of dhcp please ?

Every time i reboot my Raspberry Pi, it does not scan any ad, like the Rasperry is offline, how can I solve this please ?

See Making your network take advantage of Pi-hole.

Since actual available configuration options depend entirely on your router, you should consult your router's documentation and support channels for further details.

But I don't understand what I must do ? ? ? ? ?

What to search ? ? ? ? ?

What to activate/unactivate ? ? ? ? ?

What IP to put where ? ? ? ? ?

You need to check your router settings. Usually there is a DHCP section where you can define a DNS server.

Following the link I've provided above will take you to a topic that explains a lot of those questions, along with some sample screenshots.
Your own router screen will vary, of course, but they still should give you a good idea what to look for in your own router, and probably what you could do in lieu of your router supporting an option.
But ultimately, you'd have to consult your router's documentation and support channels for configuration details

Thanks, but with Orange France routers, there's absolutly no way to change DNS.

You could disable your router's DHCP server and enable Pi-hole's built-in DHCP server. It will automatically distribute it's IP as DNS server to all clients

OK, I will try this.

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