Modify blocking page - Pihole V4

This is my first post, asking for help.

Expected Behaviour:

[I am using Pihole to block pornographic content. There are other DNS servers that perform this function, but I need to monitor this. The blocking does it and it does not show the page (XXX), but I require that it show some warning (modified page) that the Access is blocked (some advertisement).]

Actual Behaviour:

[It is currently blocking very well. But it does not redirect you to a page or personalized ad.]

Excuse me, I hope the translation is clean and understandable. Thanks for your help.

If the site is https then you will not be able to redirect clients to another server.

@DanSchaper Thanks for the quick response, but I have seen that for example in OpenDNS it redirects the HTTP and HTTPS pages to, and shows an informative page.

I would like some solution in this regard, thanks.

You would have to generate a security certificate for the domain and then include that certificate to every client.

Possible but highly technical and requires abilities beyond Pi-hole.

Edit: That redirects to

Thanks for the info.
I thought it was simple.

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