Message display: Blocked or filtered by Pi-hole

Pi-hole is a DNS filtering proxy.
It is answering DNS queries, resolving a domain name into an IP address only if that name is not on any of your configured blocking lists.

As such, it is totally oblivious of why your clients would issue such a request. In particular, Pi-hole is completely unaware of concepts like browsers, web sites.or page elements.

You are asking to see information that is simply not there, since client-side information is not available on server-side Pi-hole (click for more)

Let's assume a web site you are calling up in your favourite browser is trying to show a dozen ad pics from a domain that is blocked by Pi-hole, e.g.

All that Pi-hole is going to see is one DNS request for, while your browser is going to fail accessing all 12 pictures.

That doesn't mean you are out of luck when trying to determine why acess to some sites you like seems to be broken.

You can use Pi-hole's various filtered variants of its Query Log for in-depth ex-post analysis of requests as well as Tools | Tail pihole.log for a more technical live view of what's happening on your network DNS-wise.
The following FAQ post has all the details: