Let's see how often data gets written to the db on your machine by running:
grep -ni "DBINTERVAL" /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf
And let's verify whether that would be a display glitch or that data is indeed missing from your db.
The following SQL statement will return the number of domains Pi-hole was asked to resolve since October 2nd:
sqlite3 /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db \
"SELECT count(domain) FROM queries \
WHERE(timestamp BETWEEN strftime('%s','2020-10-02') AND strftime('%s','2020-10-10'));"
Please adjust dates as required.
You may also want to check for drive space on your Pi-hole machine:
So, another update: after changing a couple of things in 'Local DNS' the count started from 0 again (as did the data Unbound captures) and now all seems to work.
Your df result is ok, so it's not an issue of available drive space.
Assuming that searching for DBINTERVAL returned nothing, you'd be using the default, i.e. writing to db every minute.
But while your counts show some activity, it would seem your db has recorded about the same amount of queries during a week you'd normally see in a day.
Just to be sure: Would that fit your actual expected usage, e.g. having been away for a while during that time?
Agreed on your observation on the activity. I was however not out so the sudden lack of recorded activity seems like the result of an issue somewhere...
(FYI, I check drive space every now and then to make sure my log2ram parameters are ok).
Reverted to 'main' development branch last night after merge of this PR, and the problem seems to have somehow reappeared: some data has gone missing. The data was there before I added another device in the 'Local DNS' list, afterwards it just vanished. Data is also gone from long term db (checked on today's data)
Have run pihole -up now and it seems there is another update for FTL still, but if I look at Github, this is probably a merge of some other functionality...