Logs show entries with timestamp in future

Hi all,
My raspberry pi B+ pihole server developed some problems lately:

Future timestamps in logging.
2018-11-24 20:00:40 IPv4 EXoDuS.dEsYnc.com OK (cached) -

(Yes, system date and time are set correctly).

Also the counters on the dashboard do not change.

If i tail pihole.log i do see querie activity with accurate timestamps.

pihole -d token: zwfbtnp59y

Hope this is a known problem?

Kind regards,

It's the first I've heard of it. What does the date command on your computer show?

Hi Jacob,

pi@pihole:~ $ date
Wed 28 Feb 22:42:36 CET 2018
pi@pihole:~ $

Do these queries appear right when you restart the Pi-hole? It may be that the system starts logging before it gets the correct time (because Pis don't start up knowing the time already).

Are these all of the queries in your log or just some of them?


When i look at current pihole.log i see logging with correct timestamp.

When i go in the UI and select Query Log and the "Show all", then I only see logentries with 2018-11-24 date, but different times. The total number of entries stay the same on a life system, that is weird too, right?

(yesterday I tried to repair with both pihole -r repair and after that reconfigure, both didnt solve the problem)

I installed another pihole on my home server with Docker, so this issue can be closed.

We use system functions to translate dnsmasq's log timestamps (e.g. Mar 3 00:00:38) to Unix timestamps. Apparently, something is severely broken somewhere on your system?

What's the output of

echo ">getallqueries" | nc pi.hole 4711 | head


pi@pihole:~ $ echo ">getallqueries" | nc pi.hole 4711 | head
pi@pihole:~ $

I suppose that is not what you expected :wink:

But as I said, i setup a new instance on different hardware, so for me the issue can be closed.

I leave the rpi setup running in case you guys want to investigate this further.
(Although I can imagine there are more pressing matters to attend to :slight_smile: )

Thanks for the quick responses and keep up the good workt, i am a huge fan!

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Okay, thanks for using Pi-hole!