Localhost --> Local DNS Record?

Hi all,
how is it possible to set Localhost to an DNS Record?
(Maybe Pihole instead of localhost)

Im running latest version (v5) with dnscrypt-proxy

Thanks in advance!

I'm not sure I understood your question, but I guess you want to show the hostname instead of localhost.

Without a debug log or more information about your system and your network I can only guess, but apparently you configured your upstream DNS as

You can try to change that to <Pi-hole_machine_IP>#19042 and wait to see if localhost is replaced by the hostname.

Hi @rdwebdesign

youre right. I have only 1 upstream DNS:

I´ll give your suggestion a try, but it doesnt work. My Pihole IP is

Here my query log:

So, i want to change it like: "Answered by pihole#19042"

Is it possible?

I tried with my Unbound server (hosted in a different machine, with a different IP) and after a minute or so the IP was replaced by the name set in my Local DNS Records.

I'm not sure if this is possible for localhost.

Why do you want to change this?

It looks just better.

Before i setup dnscrypt proxy i used DoT. This was "Answered by fritzbox#53" in query log.

Hm, i hope there is a way to change that ?


Maybe edit nano /etc/hosts ?

What's the name of the upstream DNS software you are using?

I would leave localhost attached to

Instead, change your upstream to listen on and create a Local DNS record associating with your upstream's name, and point Pi-hole to use as upstream.

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I have changed "dnscrypt-proxy.toml" --> listen_addresses = ['']

Add new entry:
