List IP V4 and V6 address in Web interface

Let me start by saying thank you to the DEVs working on this project.

Based on my experience and comments in the various forums, Pihole on the RPI is a very common first project for many novice users.

It would be nice if the Pihole Web Admin page listed the IPV4 / V6 address somewhere on the top ribbon and or on the Settings -> System Page to help folks see the IPV6 address they need to add to their routers. Currently I get that Info using hostname -I in the CLI window or ip addr show | grep inet6

I am hoping this is an easy fix and can be incorporated in the next update.

Thanks in Advance for your consideration.

IPv6 addresses can be quite plentiful, and they could even be expected to change regularly. Showing all of them may be overwhelmingly confusing and could potentially take a lot of screen real estate. It may not even help in picking an IPv6 address that's actually suitable for Pi-hole's operation.

(On a side note, I find it beneficial to configure the router to not offer an IPv6 DNS address at all (provided it supports it), since IPv4 allows Pi-hole to associate hostnames more reliably.)

Disabling IP6 may be an option but given the ISP / Modem Router and PIHOLE all support IP6 I would like to enable it.

All we need to do is display the CURRENT IPV4 / IPV6 address somewhere on the GUI.

Today one needs to capture it when they complete the install or run a CLI to get the info.


Not a promise it will happen, but the Pi-hole team are discussing how to select a meaningful selection of IPv6 addresses for the configured interface to display on the System Information page.

Stay tuned for updates.

(And on my side note: I did not suggest to disable IPv6. IPv6 will remain fully operational for all your clients deciding to use it - they just will have to talk to Pi-hole via IPv4 exclusively.)

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Guess I missed understood you about the IPV6. Thanks


for an implementation proposal.

Some screenshots:

And an altogether new page which lists all interfaces, expanding interfaces by default which are connected to a default gateway (IPv4 and/or IPv6):

Thanks for considering this request. Looking forward to seeing this implemented.

Question: When the Pihole install completes on the last page the user is provided with the IPV4/IPV6 address that is typically used in the Routers LAN --> DHCP --> DNS and WINS Server Setting pages (Asus Router). This DNS settings then gets sent to any device that connects to the Router. Runnig IPConfig /ALL on a windows client would show that the DNS would be the same as what was entered on the lan page rather than the ISP's DNS. Unless ofcourse the DNS has been manually set on the Workstation.

Are you saying the IPV6 assigned to the RPI by the DHCP server running on the router would change each time the system is rebooted? The router only allows for Manual IPV4 reservations / assignment based on MAC addresses. So I can ensure the DHCP server issues the same IPV4 to my Raspberry PI that PiHole runs on.

When I submitted the request I was envisioning displaying the two IP's (IPv4 / V6) that are displayed on the last screen of the install output page (generally that would not changes as one assumes the PI has a static address. This is required to ensure the scripts don't break, or the current IpV4/ V6 that the router assigns to the RaspberryPI if you reconfigure the RPI.

Sorry if this is longwinded as I am confused with the earlier comments about listing multiple ipV6 addresses. and I am not an IPV6 expert by any measure.

Thanks again for all that you and the team do to keep this running. Really appreciate it.

Kudos to all of you.

First of all: IPv4 and IPv6 are both address protocols but they are very different.

This assumption is most often wrong. IPv6 had been designed to work entirely without a central DHCP server commonly found in IPv4 networks. Yes, there is something called DHCPv6 but this has been a wrong development from the very beginning. Actually, IPv6 had been designed to allow for automatic configuration. The router typically broadcasts Router Advertisements (RAs) containing details such as the upstream Internet addresses. RAs may also contain DNS servers to be used. Thereafter, the systems find themselves an address without being assigned one from a central management system such as DHCP. This often involves some "privacy extensions" which shuffle the address around in an attempt to pseudo-anonymize your devices. This can be disabled but often defaults to being active.

Then there are different address types such as GUA, ULA, and LL but this would certainly be way too much information for this post and there is excellent material on this on the web.

Takeaway message for you: you don't need to configure the IPv6 address of your Pi-hole unless your equipment would otherwise send out other IPv6 DNS servers to your clients.

This seems like it could be good long-term

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