IPVanish & Pihole

Thanks a bunch! I've learned a lot so far. I think I eat.

I do hosting. And I access all of my web management through my public IP address. I use my DDNS to access all of my webadmins.. When I am using this method using the router's firmware. I can't use my DDNS name to access all of the devices on my network. If I disconnect from the VPN everything works like normal. While connected to the VPN I have to use all of my local ranges "192.168.x.x" and such.

I can access my network from outside using the DDNS. I just can't do it with a device on my network that is connected with the VPN. I can't use my DDNS to access my internal network locally. But I can without the VPN

I was just wondering. Is there a way to fix this loopback issue while connected to the VPN through the router?

This is more of an annoyance than it is a necessary fix. But it would be nice to know how to fix this because it's just one of those things I haven't figured out yet..

Thanks again everyone for all the help. Really.

Never used DDNS but maybe worth checking:

route PRINT


nslookup pi.hole

Is that information you want me to post or is that just a place you suggest I look?

I dont understand, looking at nslookup command, Pi-Hole working for you if your Windows DNS address is not pointing to that of the Pi-Hole DNS service?

EDIT: but obviously it does resolve via Pi or it wouldnt return IP :slight_smile:

Not sure but looks like you miss default route/gateway once connected.
To add a default route using the VPN interface:

route add mask

Check with:

route print

To delete the default route again if not working:

route delete mask

Sorry i see now, you already got default gw: 65.x.x.x ....

I'm still working out a few kinks. But I just wanted to thank you and everyone for all the pointers. They helped a lot.

Man this really sucks ..... This is way too much hassle to go through just to make a VPN work with Pi-hole

Who has the time for all this?

It kind of defeats the main purpose of computers, making your life easier ...... I'm sure that will get some panties in a twist but it's the truth none the less