Ipv6 woes

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

ipv6 to be configured after running pihole -r

Actual Behaviour:

no ipv6 :frowning:

Debug Token:


Hello lovely pi.hole developers. Your software is so amazing. My rPI has an ipv6 address. My TWC modem gives me an IPv6 address and my google wifi router is handing out IPv6 addresses. I can't seem to get pi.hole to handle ipv6 requests though. Can you folks look at my debug logs and tell me what I am doing wrong? thanks again!

Did you use the Reconfigure option?

Yes I did use the reconfigure option after running

pihole -r

Do you have the rPi address in /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf ?


Yes, I did have an address in there. Thanks for helping me, I am going to stick to IPv4 for now!