IPv6 is not blocked

Can you get the output from cat /etc/pihole/gravity.list | head -n 10 and we'll see if the blocker has IPv6 set up. We're looking for both the IPv4 and IPv6 address to be listed for each domain if you don't want to post up the addresses.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /etc/pihole/gravity.list | head -n 10 !@@||1stwrites.com !@@||adscale.de^$object-subrequest,domain=myspass.de !@@||adscendmedia.com !@@||adverts.cdn.tvcatchup.com !@@||anywriters.com !@@||flashtalking.com^$object-subrequest,domain=myspass.de !@@||movad.net^$object-subrequest,domain=myspass.de !@@||nuggad.net^$object-subrequest,domain=myspass.de !@@||wired.com^$script !@@||writeracademy.com

Alright, two things on this, the first is that that list still doesn't have the IPv6 address for blocking, but more importantly it has added domains that can't be parsed by dnsmasq.

The first can be solved, but a pihole -d with the token would let us see the configs a bit better.

The second, I'll point you to How do I add additional block lists to Pi-hole? for instructions on how to add other lists and parse them for the Pi-hole.

But post the token from the debug process and we'll see about solving the IPv6 issue.

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Token: 9u8qwvsxgn

I will investigate the parsing problem further. Thanks.

Thanks, it still looks like the IPv6 wasn't copied over during the 'reconfigure' process, /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf is showing a blank entry for where the IPv6 address should be. You can either edit that file by hand, adding in the IPv6 address for your Pi-hole and then run pihole -g to reparse and add the address, or try running the reconfigure again, and make sure that it give you the option for IPv6 blocking, and that its starred, and that it shows an IPv6 address in the next screen to confirm that it's doing full blocking on both protocols.

I reconfigured the Pi-hole again. Please found following the pictures from re-configuring:

I have no idea what's the IPv6 address of my Pi-Hole :frowning:

On the Pi-hole device, can you run



ping6 2001:4860:4860::8888

And we'll check the results. The installer isn't automatically figuring out what your IPv6 address is.

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=58 time=9.67 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=58 time=30.5 ms

connect: Network is unreachable

That would explain why the installer is failing to detect the address. I see you have what's called a Unique Local Address for the IPv6 address, but that should still be found.

On a client machine, are you able to get a score on http://ipv6-test.com/ ?

For sure, I haven't a public IPv6 yet.

Okay, then you have a device on the network that is trying to get IPv6 DNS records, called AAAA records, but doesn't know that it will never reach the address. For now those hits in the panel can safely be disregarded, but I'll ask @DL6ER if he has any thoughts on how to resolve showing those, or if it's at all possible.

From the target address, I would think it may be the router that is doing the queries. Is it a Belkin router?

Edit: I see it's a Linksys, so it probably is the source of the lookups...

Yes it's a Linksys router, my target was to stop the router from "calling home".
In this case, it means that this queries not going to belkin?

I seem to have the same kind of issue. My Laptop (W10, Intel 8260) is still showing ads and it doesn't go through the Pi-Hole DNS server. I don't have a IPv6 WAN address. My Router is a Netgear R7800 running LEDE.

This thread is a bit old, but please check if this solves your issue:


After much searching how to fix this problem, I accidentally stumbled across this fix for my own setup. Admittedly a new linux user, so I am not sure why this works for me. However, I was having the same issue as shown above (selecting both ipv4 and ipv6 where ipv6 would not enable) and I figured since the pi-hole was the first thing I installed on a Orange Pi Zero, I might as well start over completely, I re-configured the micro-sd card with the armbian ubuntu, and I forgot to sudo apt-get update or sudo apt-get upgrade and immediately installed the pi-hole. It may fail the install, but re-install again and it will fix the ipv6 enabling issue. Then you can sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade. I have performed this action twice (I forgot how I fixed the issue the first time) and it worked both times.

this thread is a little bit dusty, but i try to figure out the same problem.

PiHole works fine, all ads are blocked but in the query log sometimes i can see that ipv4 urls are blocked and ipv6 urls are forwarded.

@jacob.salmela If i fix this like you suggested with:


Does it only hide this entry from showing up in the querylog? Or should i disable ipv6 blocking in the pihole setup because i have no ipv6 connectivity from my ISP at all (and no ipv6 in my home network)?

Thanks in advance :blush:

That only ignores IPv6 queries when generating stats. You can not prevent clients from making IPv6 queries, but you can ignore them in stats.

I had the same issue and after banging my head against the wall for a good day or 2 I found that my router had a separate section for IPv6 DHCP creation. Once I disabled that in the router the PiHole took over and everything was working correctly.

From many of the sites, I Got an information regarding IPV6 connectivity but is this mandatory with all the Printers to get connect with the IPV6 connectivity as I worked on Epson printer and getting Epson Printer wifi connection Problems, How one can able to get configure this issue?
I hope I am asking this question in the right way.