IP Addresses Could Not Be Found

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

smoothly internet surfing without ads and without having to re-load every site a few times

Actual Behaviour:

almost always whenever i enter a site i'm getting a DNS error (Screenshot by Lightshot) , after i reload the page a few times , it loads like normal

Debug Token:


From that same client, what is the output of:

nslookup www.pathofexile.com

ipconfig /all

so iv'e another problem... i can't ssh into my pi , i think its because i did "passwd -d pi"
any tips on how to reset password while headless?

iv'e reinstalled my pi machine + pi hole

my new pi hole -d : https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/ppctbwkhrv

and what u asked : http://prntscr.com/p7tdba

Either your computer cannot reach the pihole on its lan address or your computer is not being told to reach the pihole on its lan address. If you have reinstalled pihole and get the same issue then it would be likely the problem is somewhere other than pihole itself.

  1. Do you have ufw on your pihole, have you allowed port 53 if so?

  2. What DNS server is your router suggesting? You can do the following in windows cmd to see:

ipconfig /all | findstr DNS

These commands were run from the Pi terminal. We want the output of the commands from the connected client, not the Pi.

On this forum, you can copy and paste output into a reply, as well as insert screen snaps directly into a reply without having to put the output on an external link.

i think that was it , i set my router primary dns to be the pi-hole but left the secondary one empty.

fixed that and didn't see any dns errors , thanks!

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