Introducing Ludolph: A refinement of Pi-hole's user interface

Ludolph is both a modification and an enhancement of Pi-hole's user interface.
It has gotten rid of wasted space (e.g. that big blue horizontal header), provides more info in the status area to the right of the raspberry image, changes some object's sizes and colors – or to cut it short: make Pi-hole's user interface more pleasant to look at and more informative.

At a glance

  • The Status field has been enhanced with a timestamp indicating the last time the screen was refreshed by either reloading the site or by clicking the Dashboard link.
  • The system status now changes color and property depending on the current state:
    -- System active: Solid green indicator.
    -- System inactive: Fast blinking (1.0 second) red indicator.
    -- DNS Service not running: Fast blinking (1.0 second) red indicator.
    -- Unknow Status: Slow blinking (1.5 seconds) orange indicator.
  • The temperature info is now being displayed on a separate line, it changes color and property depending on its value:
    -- Less than 65 °C: Solid green indicator.
    -- Greater than or equal to 65 °C and less than 70 °C: Slow blinking (1.5 seconds) orange indicator.
    -- Greater than or equal to 70 °C: Fast blinking (1.0 second) red indicator.
  • Memory usage has been renamed to RAM usage.
  • Memory card usage has been added, it changes color and property depending on its value:
    -- Less than 80%: Solid green indicator.
    -- Greater than or equal to 80% and less than 90%: Slow blinking (1.5 seconds) orange indicator.
    -- Greater than or equal to 90%: Fast blinking (1.0 second) red indicator.
  • An additional row displaying the uptime has been added.
  • A grey backgrounds scheme has been applied.
  • Elements considered superfluous or unnecessary have been removed.
  • An additional row displaying the uptime has been added.
  • A grey backgrounds scheme has been applied.
  • Elements considered superfluous or unnecessary have been removed.

One huge request/plea: Please consider to donate to Pi-hole first before installing Ludolph, because all donation requests have been removed.

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Why did you remove this section of the dashboard? That also leads a user to the Pi-Hole github and support web pages.

Please don't do that.

This is VERY disrespectful to the people who do the hard work of providing such an excellent service!


Nice initiative. But You really should keep the links (home and donation)!
If nothing else, perhaps in an own menu-item, above 'Dashboard' item.

Must say i like the nice minimalist look of your work i to find it disrespectful to the people who do the hard work of providing such an excellent service.

We aren't opposed to making some of these changes to the project interface. If you would be willing to share and open PRs for the changes there's a good chance they will be merged.

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I donated 30 Euro's last week and I set up a monthly donation of 5 Euro's, starting from next month on.
On my website I asked to donate first before installing my code, because I wanted to support a project like yours.

I did not expect that you take over one single line of my code, I considered it as an idea / a suggestion.

The very last impression I wanted to create is being disrespectful.

I also did not expect such feedback.

To avoid any further trouble and misunderstandings I deleted my initial post here.
I also cancelled my monthly donation.

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Wow man your are such a nice guy!

I appreciate the donation and the work effort you have put in. I made the offer for you to include your changes to the core project because the installer you have now will break the update process for users. Changes made to the local web repository makes updating stop and users will come to us to ask us why they can not update or they will blame us for not having an update process that works.

The changes do look nice and it would have been nice for you to share those changes with the upstream project like the EUPL licensing asks instead of responding with a tantrum.

I will unlock this thread but everyone please keep the responses constructive.

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I'd love to see it. Is a screenshot available?

There was one in the original post but it was deleted when the poster deleted the whole thing. I tried to revert the post removal, only the text was returned and the attachments were lost.

I downloaded his/her stuff before they took it down. I removed given that the OP took down their entire repo out of spite.

[] (10.5 KB)

sudo cp header.php  /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/
sudo cp footer.php  /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/
sudo cp ludolph.css /var/www/html/admin/style/

sudo chmod 644 /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/footer.php 
sudo chmod 644 /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/header.php
sudo chmod 644 /var/www/html/admin/style/ludolph.css

Keep in mind, it breaks mobile formatting.

Screenshots (slightly modified the footer to remove update references to the ludolph repo [in case the OP decides to be hostile and host a malicious update], in the zip this mod is NOT applied, user beware):

Don’t know if it’s fair to have this posted here. It’s his work and him, by taking it down, translates to a “closed” source.
He didn’t want to come to terms with Pi-hole.
Didn’t want to share his changes either (since he took it down).

So I removed the attachment, as it’s not ethical for us to share something that’s clearly not meant to be shared by it’s creator.

Okay, that's fair.

Two files in the source are under EUPL: header.php and footer.php.

/* Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements
*  (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (
*  Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware.
*  This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL.
*  Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. */

The CSS does not have a license, so that can be omitted. Though, the meat of the edits are in the CSS.

Copyleft clause: If the Licensee distributes and/or communicates copies of the Original Works or Derivative Works based upon the Original Work, this Distribution and/or Communication will be done under the terms of this Licence or of a later version of this Licence unless the Original Work is expressly distributed only under this version of the Licence. The Licensee (becoming Licensor) cannot offer or impose any additional terms or conditions on the Work or Derivative Work that alter or restrict the terms of the Licence.

In the end however, I can understand and respect the decision to not have it hosted here.

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By “closed”, I meant like a private build :blush:

Fair play :sweat_smile:

Regardless of all of this, I can't wait enough to try the new web JS-based interface that will come out soon™

The entire project is EUPL. The CSS files may be missing a header in the file but they are most certainly part of the entire project and the EUPL that governs the use of the entire project.