Integrated optional WHOIS lookup

I've searched the site but can't find a similar request, so apologies if this has been raised before...

My 'Top Domains' often includes some very weird looking domains - usually Apple related due to the number of iOS devices on my local network. But the purpose of the DNS request is not always obvious from the domain name.

Would it be possible to integrate a WHOIS domain lookup function into the Top Domains or elsewhere in the Pi Hole Web GUI? Personally, I don't think this would need to be an automatic lookup against ALL domains but if I spotted one in Top Domains or the Query Log, I could click a button and do an easy, quick WHOIS lookup rather than having to go to a separate webpage and copy and paste the domain in.

If you know of any better method of checking the origin and 'purpose' of a domain as opposed to a WHOIS search then all the better!


I believe it is a unique request. It is, however, probably related to this one:

Yes. Very similar. An option or button in Top Domains or Query Log to open a link to a preferred WHOIS service might be just as effective. Could even give the user a list of WHOIS options - I suppose it might depend on which country and registrar the domain comes under. Not sure if it is possible to pass a domain name to a WHOIS site and have it run the search automatically without the copy and paste bit.

I ws actually looking for more than just a Whois. I was more looking for a service like virustotal but for domains. To know what a domain is used for instead of just knowing the company who registered the domain. I don't even know is such sites exist. Alexa, maybe?

One of the things (out of many) that I like about Pi Hole is the Top Domains and in the event that any malware infiltrated my network Pi Hole would probably show the DNS request for some weird wacky URL. The problem with a lot of the iOS related URLs is that they don't end in so almost look like the sort of links you get in phishing emails.

It would be great if there was a similar function in Pi Hole to check domain and IP blacklists. Having said that, new domains pop up just as quickly as malicious ones are sinkholed or blacklisted :frowning:

I am sure our Pi Hole founders are familiar with a few of these names...