Installed Pi-Hole - No data on dashboard


I´ve installed Pi-Hole on a Debian 9.5 VM (VMware) and after login to http://pi-hole-ip/admin there is only the loading symbol on the dashboard.

No data at all.

How can I solve this problem?


habe Pi-Hole als VM mit Debian 9.5 installiert und wenn ich http://IP-PI-HOLE/admin aufrufe zeigt er mir keine Daten im Dashboard an.
Nur das Lade-Symbol

Woran kann das liegen?

My Debug token: qnahb9evfz


Maybe this could be helpful.

When I do following commands there is still the same problem with the empty dashboard.
sudo systemctl stop pihole-FTL.service
sudo rm -f /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db
sudo systemctl start pihole-FTL.service

And when I click on "Query Log" I get this error message

And a click on "Long term data" and then on "Query Log" I get following error message

Whats output for below two ?

pi@noads:~ $ php -i | grep 'PHP Version\|json\|sqlite3'
PHP Version => 7.0.30-0+deb9u1
PHP Version => 7.0.30-0+deb9u1
json support => enabled
json version => 1.4.0
sqlite3.extension_dir => no value => no value

pi@noads:~ $ php -m | grep 'json\|sqlite3'

Might need to install below PHP modules (if PHP version is 7):

sudo apt install php7.0-json php7.0-sqlite3

If still running PHP version 5:

sudo apt install php-json php-sqlite3

Here is the output for

root@pihole:~# php -i | grep 'PHP Version|json|sqlite3'
PHP Version => 7.0.30-0+deb9u1
PHP Version => 7.0.30-0+deb9u1

Output for php -m | grep 'json|sqlite3' is empty

Did you enter this command exactly as shown above?

I copy and paste the command
php -m | grep 'json|sqlite3'

Tried it again with: php -m | grep ‘json|sqlite3’

Output: -su: sqlite3’: command not found.

Tested something new

root@pihole:~# echo ">stats" | nc localhost 4711
domains_being_blocked 137144
dns_queries_today 277
ads_blocked_today 66
ads_percentage_today 23.826715
unique_domains 116
queries_forwarded 191
queries_cached 20
clients_ever_seen 4
unique_clients 4
dns_queries_all_types 282
reply_NODATA 3
reply_NXDOMAIN 3
reply_CNAME 23
reply_IP 71
status enabled

So the Pi-Hole is working. But still no data in the admin panel.

Please wait 24 hours and then check the Dashboard again : In the Release Notes of version 4.0 or 3.3 there was a notice mentioned that you have to wait 24 hours first before any data appears!

In case you already did : My bad! :slight_smile:

You can run both commands without the grep part to see the full output:

php -i

php -m

If with the later one no json or sqlite3 modules are displayed, you probably need to enable the modules first:

pi@noads:~ $ php -m | grep 'json\|sqlite3'

pi@noads:~ $ sudo phpdismod json sqlite3
pi@noads:~ $

pi@noads:~ $ php -m | grep 'json\|sqlite3'
pi@noads:~ $

pi@noads:~ $ sudo phpenmod json sqlite3
pi@noads:~ $

pi@noads:~ $ php -m | grep 'json\|sqlite3'

When enabling/disabling PHP modules, most times you need to restart or reload the web daemon to apply:

sudo service lighttpd restart

I will try it later

Didn´t help.

Deleted the VM and installed a new Debian 9.5 VM
curl -sSL | bash

And this time everything worked fine.

Don´t know what I did different to the first install of my VM.
In my oppinion I did the same like the first time.

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