Installation on RPI 5 Debian 12 issue after OS update

I had pihole installed successfully on my pi5. The OS is on a NVMe SSD. After an update && upgrade pihole is running, but not blocking anything anymore. I checked the IP address, it stayed the same and I ran the diagnostics and (beside pihole couldn't resolve two ipv6 addresses) the diagnostics doesn't find the /etc/lighttpd/conf.d. So I think that could be the issue.

Did anyone had the same issue with a Debian12 update and could solve it?

My debug-token is

This is expected on Debian.

That directory only exists on Fedora/CentOS.

Your Pi-hole is using, but your router is advertising itself as DNS server:


How did you configure your devices to use Pi-hole?

thank you for the quick reply. Like most Germans I am using the FritzBox. there I can set the default DNS-Server IP and the IP of a backup DNS. It is set to, e.g. pihole. I didn't change anything there, I just rechecked it searching for the Error.
I did all settings during the installation procedure and didn't change anything, else except the settings at the FritzBox Router.

Thank you for your analysis, I checked /etc/reslov.conf and there was (out of which reasons), so changed that back to my pihole and it runs now.
I should have checked the diagnostics more carefulyy, proise to improve :wink:

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That would indicate that you did configure your FritzBox to use Pi-hole as its upstream resolver.

FritzBox routers also support telling clients to use your Pi-hole machine as local DNS. This would be the preferred configuration, as it would allow Pi-hole to attribute DNS requests to individual clients.

You may want to refer to our Fritz!Box (DE) - Pi-hole documentation for a few recommendations on FritzBox configuration options.

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Thanks for that information, that post was quite helpful. I reconfigured the FritzBox to have ppihole as local DNS, still dosn't wan't to block anymore, I will see what is wrong this time.

You shouldnt configure a "backup" DNS:

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Thank you for that clarification :wink:

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