Excelent to be here. Place where I am shure can finde a answer to my qwestion.
And if I'm here... An Direct qwestion...
I wil gladly run the pi-hole on my internal network. I'm using FreeNAS on an HP ProLiant hardwarebox to serv my home network and als run it on smal bussines. ( Shares; storages; MediaServers; cloudservers... etc)
Nowe I had a qwestion from the bussines of is it posible to block som ads on the mobile phone of the bussines... Did som resarch and fiind the Pi-Hole a grate!
But have now problem....
FreeNAS is running on the FreeBSD ( an linux instances ) FreeNAS use a Jails to store and run instances of webbased software.... FreeNAS version 9.10.2-U6 on FreeBSD version10
Made a Jail and loged on with root permisions. If I run command from yours website 'curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash" I get error "Command not found" mostli installing software on Jails is command 'pkg install ...'
Do you have an answer or the way to install pi-hole on FreeNAS Jail to run it?
Any help is great
Kind regards,
Niko Stjepanovic