Maybe the get named when sending the first query to pihole.
P.S. Easier editing is possible in "Local DNS records" via web interface. You could also move the content of /etc/hosts to /etc/pihole/custom.list and after pihole (pihole restartdns) restart they should appear in Local DNS Records.
While that's possible in general, Local DNS Records / custom.list currently doesn't handle multi-name definitions, so TimePi ClockPi might not show up in the UI and may cause side effects when adding/deleting entries via UI.
These devices are unknown and are not active. They were added when they first showed up. At this time, no name was known so there is no name. There is no point in updating their host names frequently which is why they are not doing it.
They show as having never sent a single query to your Pi-hole (last query is "Never" and number is zero) is what I meant. You will have to tell them to use the Pi-hole. Either using a fixed configuration with your as DNS server or by configuring your DHCP server such that it does not proxy but hand out the Pi-hoel directly as DNS server. Or use the Pi-hole DHCP server.