Import 300 custom ADLists

Hi together,

is probably a simple requirement.

I have picked out about 300 AdBlock lists and now I want to import them into PiHole.

Now I don't really feel like clicking on each of the 300 lists, switching to my browser and entering them via the admin interface... that takes forever.

I have thought PiHole enters the lists that I have entered in the web interface into this file:


But there is only the initial url in there. Not AdList pages that I have added via the web interface...

So I can't enter my 300 searched websetites into this file (/etc/pihole/Adlists.list) just blank...

Where can I copy and paste my lists?

Into the admin interface, but you don't have to do them individually. Copy all the URLs at once to your clipboard, then paste the lot of them in your adlists and save. Then rebuild gravity.

Note that gravity update performance will likely be quite slow with 300 lists of this type (or any type).

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