Ignoring query from non-local network

So I am fairly new to pi-hole, I recently noticed this warning on the web dashboard:
"ignoring query from non-local network" and it includes my public IP address, I am not sure why I received it and I couldn't find enough info online, should I be worried and is someone try to get into my local network?

Can you create a debug log please and post the token URL here and someone can take a look at the setup.

You'll often see that message if you have a work computer doing VPN into a corporate network, but usually you don't see your own public IP there.

Your Pi-hole has address on your LAN via the wifi adapter, but Pi-hole has the ethernet adapter selected, which has no address. To fix that, run

pihole -r

and select Reconfigure and go through the setup prompts again and select the wifi adapter with that address.

Delete that diagnostic message and see if it returns.

Could this be the cause of the warning message?

I'm not sure, it may depend on how it's interacting with the way your network and other apps are set up. Best is to fix this so Pi-hole is properly on the network, delete the message, and then see if it returns. My gut feeling is that with it being your own external IP, it's an artifact of something else running on your network.

But could it be someone trying to hack or access my network?

I can't say. There's a non-zero chance that it could be. I suspect it's much more likely to be a configuration artifact. There are many ways things like ISP routers, mesh devices, etc can be configured, and you have various other services alongside Pi-hole too.

Try reconfiguring the Pi and clearing the error as I said, and see if it happens again. If it does, you could try clearing it once again and temporarily setting Settings > DNS > Permit all origins > Save to allow Pi-hole to respond to the requests, and then take a look at the domains being requested, seemingly from yourself. That will probably give some contextual clues as to where the requests are coming from.

Okay, thank you so much for your help and patience, last question, this warning means that the attempt (that either was from me or someone else) was blocked right?

Also another useful info is that I don't have any port forwarding configured in my router

It means that Pi-hole saw a request, apparently from your own router's WAN side, and ignored it because you have the default setting of Allow only local requests enabled, and this means that only requests from the configured network, ie 192.168.1.x, will receive a response.

Note also that it was a single event and happened on 19th and not since. Hence advising to fix the Pi-hole config and delete the message and then see if there is a recurrence.

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