I need help blocking ads on Google

Expected Behaviour:

Ads on google should be blocked. Im not talking about videos. I read another post about a guy who had the same issue and he was asked for the log so here it is:

Actual Behaviour:

google ads and other ads not being blocked

Debug Token:


Are you just seeing ads on Google's page or are you able to open the links if you click on them?


Yes to which question.

You see the ads on Google's page?

Are you able to open the links if you click on them?

Yes I see them and can open them

Use these tools to determine the source of the ads, and to determine how to block the linked URL's from loading (find out which domains to block).

Just so I’m understanding, does my log look good? I’m just concerned that it’s an issue with pihole because I’m only getting a low block rate but I see ads all over the place

First, ensure the client(s) are using Pi-hole for DNS.

Tail the pihole log, open a browser or app on a device and see if you get a sudden blast of DNS queries in the log. The queries should also be shown in the query log on the web admin GUI.

Also, from a client that you believe should be connected to the Pi-Hole for DNS, from the command prompt or terminal on that client (and not via ssh or Putty to the Pi), what is the output of

nslookup flurry.com

nslookup flurry.com

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