I cannot update to Pihole 5.1 on OSMC


I am using OSMC 2020.06-1 and I cannot perform the upgrade of Pihole.

When I do: pihole -up I get:

[✗] Unsupported OS detected

  This check can be skipped by setting the environment variable PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK to true
  e.g: export PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true
  By setting this variable to true you acknowledge there may be issues with Pi-hole during or after the install
  If that is the case, you can feel free to ask the community on Discourse with the Community Help category:

Unable to complete update, please contact Pi-hole Support

I added "export PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true" to .bash_profile, .bashrc, .profile, /etc/environment.
I did a source .bash_profile, source .bashrc, source .profile. I even restarted my machine.

I always get this error: [✗] Unsupported OS detected

Does anyone knows how to disable this check?

Many thanks

export PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true pihole -up

On the same line, exactly as I typed it.


Might not need the export then since it should be in the same environment.

You said you have it in your profile? Does echo $PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK show anything at the command prompt?

Edit: PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true pihole -up should work directly from the command prompt.

Still doesn't work!


@PromoFaux Thoughst?

I just did this (I don't think the sudo did anything) but I noticed now I have a Pi-hole Core update available (it was missing before).

The update works now!

I don't want to reply with "worked on my machine", but this definitely worked earlier when testing it on Ubuntu 20.04 before we added it to the supported OS list...

@floppyrom can you please run bash -x /etc/.pihole/automated\ install/basic-install.sh, and paste across the output please? The output may be quite large so it might be easier to do as a file upload

Edit: that core update available is because we've just pushed a 5.1.1 to fix a couple of (unrelated) issues

@floppyrom, disregard last. It's been pointed out to me that running sudo PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true pihole -up already sorted it for you.

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