Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!
Expected Behaviour:
Hulu on my Nvidia Shield should be showing thumbnail pictures.
Actual Behaviour:
Hulu is not showing the thumbnail pictures. So far I have whitelisted,,, and This helped some but I am still getting somethings that aren't showing their thumbnail pictures.
I edited your post to remove the debug log you posted (I made it private so the moderators and developers can see it, but not the public).
Since debug logs may contain some personal information (your email, IPv6 addresses, some of your browsing history, etc.) there is a process where these can be uploaded to a private server, accessible by only 9 people in the world. When the debug log is uploaded (you should see this option to upload the log when you run a debug log), the log is uploaded to a folder and you are presented with a token (10 digit alphanumeric string). When you post the token here, your debug log can be located using that token (by one of the 9 people) and nobody else can see it.