Https domains timing out instead of getting rejected

So my problem is that when im loading websites with https content, the https domains take forever to timeout which slows down everything which is really annoying.
So I already configured ufw to reject port 443 traffic and allowed traffic for port 22 and 80.
I also tried flushing my dns cache.

eg. when I try to connect to I get an timeout.

So I hope you guys can help me. :confused:

pi-hole -d output:

::: Beginning Pi-hole debug at Sun 23 Jul 21:48:32 CEST 2017!
::: This process collects information from your Pi-hole, and optionally uploads
::: it to a unique and random directory on
::: NOTE: All log files auto-delete after 48 hours and ONLY the Pi-hole developers
::: can access your data via the given token. We have taken these extra steps to
::: secure your data and will work to further reduce any personal information gathered.
::: Please read and note any issues, and follow any directions advised during this process.
::: ---= Detecting Installed Package Versions:
::: Pi-hole: v3.1.4 (master:v3.1.4-0-gb0ecedd)
::: Pi-hole Dashboard: v3.1 (master:v3.1-0-gf204b71-dirty)
::: lighttpd/1.4.35
::: PHP 7.0.21-1+0~20170706092253.2+jessie~1.gbp57c738 (cli) (built: Jul 12 2017 03:33:36) ( NTS )
::: ---= Detecting existence of /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf:
::: File exists, parsing...done and was successfully sourced
::: ---= Detecting installed OS Distribution
::: ---= Checking processor variety
::: ---= Checking IPv6 Stack
::: IPv6 addresses located on eth0
::: Pinging default IPv6 gateway: ::: Gateway responded.
::: Pinging Internet via IPv6: ::: Query responded.
::: ---= Checking IPv4 Stack
::: IPv4 addresses located on eth0
::: Pinging default IPv4 gateway: ::: Gateway responded.
::: Pinging Internet via IPv4: ::: Query responded.
::: ---= Daemon Process Information
::: Checking http port for lighttpd listener.
::: Correctly configured.
::: ---= Daemon Process Information
::: Checking domain port for dnsmasq listener.
::: Correctly configured.
::: ---= Daemon Process Information
::: Checking 4711 port for pihole-FTL listener.
::: Correctly configured.
::: ---= Processes Check
::: Logging status of lighttpd, dnsmasq and pihole-FTL...
::: ---= Resolver Functions Check (IPv4)
::: ---= Resolver Functions Check (IPv6)
::: Checking for necessary lighttpd files.
::: ---= Detecting existence of /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf:
::: File exists, parsing...done
::: ---= Detecting existence of /var/log/lighttpd/error.log:
::: File exists, parsing...done
::: ---= Detecting existence of /etc/dnsmasq.conf:
::: File exists, parsing...done
::: ---= Detecting contents of /etc/dnsmasq.d/*:
::: ---= File /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf found
::: Parsing...done
::: ---= File /etc/dnsmasq.d/README found
::: Parsing...done
::: ---= Detecting existence of /etc/pihole/whitelist.txt:
::: File exists, parsing...done
::: ---= Detecting existence of /etc/pihole/blacklist.txt:
::: /etc/pihole/blacklist.txt not found!
::: ---= Detecting existence of /etc/pihole/adlists.list:
::: File exists, parsing...done
::: ---= Analyzing gravity.list
::: ---= Analyzing pihole.log
::: ---= Analyzing pihole-FTL.log
::: --= User Action Required =--
::: Try loading a site that you are having trouble with now from a client web browser..
::: (Press CTRL+C to finish logging.)
::: ---= pihole.log
::: Logging will automatically teminate in 60 seconds
::: Finshed debugging!.
::: The debug log can be uploaded to for sharing with developers only.
::: Would you like to upload the log? [y/N] y
::: ---=== Your debug token is : t9znd5idp2 Please make a note of it. ===---
::: Contact the Pi-hole team with your token for assistance.
::: Thank you.
::: A local copy of the Debug log can be found at : /var/log/pihole_debug.log

This FAQ contains most of what might cause this, so try looking through that first.

I enabled ULA, and the firewall is already configured.
Still timeouts. :confused:

So I found out something interesting.
I tried to open in the chrome android app and instantly responded with connection refused, so everything fine there. So it seems like it's an problem with my computer.

I think I finally fixed it. I just rebooted my raspberry pi and know everything is working awesome. wow. :smiley: